Sunday, January 02, 2005

The mouldy right

Following the shock of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, aka Wave of Fear, aka Ring of Death, aka Asian Tsunami, Team Blog (you, me, us) has generally responded well. You know, the usual type of thing, donate to this mob, or that one. You can even choose your own. Heart swelling stuff. I'm sure you'd agree.

A silver lining in this massive , dark cloud is the demonstration of the positive aspects of humanity. Recently, we haven't heard much of it. All war drums, all the time, it seems....

Doubtless, the MSM will continue to cash in on the event with amazing survival stories, courage in the face of adversity (no, not diversity Mr Bigot) and the like. F*ckin' vultures. Imagine if the Major TV outfits handed over the advertising revenue from their news broadcasts, to the relief funds? Yeah, imagine.

Meanwhile (getting back to Blogs, the whole point of this post), some continue to maintain the offensive, still sporting their partisan warrior facepaint and still pushing the idea that their side is: The Winning Team (superior morals, etc.) .

Oh, yes, they push.

Check this warrior.

What a creep. Shine the light on this piece of mould, dry it out, extinguish it. Be gone!

I find it interesting, in a "look at the animals!" kind of way, that this goose also (ab)used the Nick Berg vid and along the way suggested liberal blogs, "didn't do enough." Enough, what!?! Hatemongering?

There's no doubt about fanatics, they are dangerous, evil and [insert your insult here].

Anyway, that was last year. This year we have a substantial part of the world to help overcome a major catastrophe - hop to it!