Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Gambling man

Asian diversification fears rock markets

"Oil and the dollar are the two big themes," Neil Massa, senior trader at John Hancock Funds, told Reuters. "A weakening dollar is always a concern -- but oil is definitely a bit more of an immediate concern."

Reminded me of this comment by Glen Condell over at WBB's place;

BRIC by BRIC, it’s starting to happen. Russia and China to keep moving to the euro, Japan and China to increase control over US debt, China to keep silently purchasing non-US Western energy suppliers which the US may soon have to rely on, Europe to keep contrasting it’s sensible, measured approach to the future against American panic and self-delusion… they’re ganging up and good on them. When they wrest the direction of the planet from the neocons, where will we be, still clinging onto the hem of a decaying colossus or sitting in the back seat of the new world model, one capable of depositing us into the next century without killing most of us. The time for this decision might seem like it’s a while away but it could be closer than it appears. Apparently there’s been a big flurry of activity recently in the market for helping to retire wealthy Americans overseas… they’re not all wandering around with their eyes closed and their fingers in their lugholes. I wonder how we’d react to an influx of them… if it were up to me it might be snipers. Not only would the rats leaving the sinking ship be significantly responsible for the sinking, but would soon set up shop politically anywhere they ended up perching, with simliar results. Of course great wealth isn’t always behind the perversion of democracy, but it helps.

Is Howard backing the wrong horse?