Sunday, January 02, 2005

Why did you delay my war?

I've never been to Tim Blair's place. This fact won't stop me from saying the guy is an absolute stooge. A rah rah boy for warmongering Western Governments. Sycophant to the psychopaths, if you like. A damn fool, generally speaking.

I've seen enough of his mouse turd-like comments about various blog houses. I know.

He's been part of the push by MSM outfits, such as the Wall Street Journal, to advance the idea that the 2004 Australian Election was a 'referendum' on Iraq.

Gee, Aussie voters believe we should continue completely f*cking the place up? Is this what your trying to say, fellas? Go right ahead, take as many as you like, knock yourselves out.

But, as Tim Lambert (Deltoid) deftly shows here (a), here (b), here (c), here (d) and here (e) .

It wasn't.

For a laugh at Tim Blair's expense, read the comment thread in the (d) link. It is kind of embarassing, but still funny. You know, like watching The Office. Blair's arguments are funny enough, but the comment thread ends in perfect synergy with the title of Lambert's post.

Back to the Pavilion!!