Saturday, February 12, 2005

Man of interest

The SMH on Mamdouh Habib;

Regardless of whether Mr Habib met Mr Adams or asked the ASIO officer to return him to Australia, the events raise new questions about what role Australia had in his transfer to Egypt.

When they refer to 'transfer', they are talking about abduction, likely so the U.S. could have him tortured by proxy. This way, it is even more legal.

They told him he would be raped by trained dogs if he did not confess to being a member of al-Qaeda and was, among other abuses, placed in a chamber filled with water and forced to stand on his toes for hours to avoid drowning.

They also allegedly used electric shocks to extract confessions, which Mr Habib made but later retracted.

Be sure to watch Sixty Minutes for more details similar to this. Sure to entertain our beautiful minds. Turn 'em ugly.

Update: Lynne Stewart, argues that the end justifies the means; But she also testified that she believed violence was sometimes necessary to achieve justice: "To rid ourselves of the entrenched, voracious type of capitalism that is in this country that perpetuates sexism and racism, I don't think that can come nonviolently."