Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Still lying, for what?

The Cadaver on Sky TV news;

Ruddock: But what I can say is that no Australian witnessed torture on the advice given to me and specifically in relation to claims that there was an Australian present, and it was a consular official, at an airport when he was removed from Pakistan. That didn’t happen on the advice I have received. No Australian Foreign Affairs official saw him in Pakistan. There was a card given to another official that was there for other purposes who did have access and that was handed over to Habib. But I mean that is one of the issues of fact which clearly is at issue.

F*ck off, Ruddock.

The ducking and weaving has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with avoiding and mitigating damage, politically.

Megolamaniacs. Good for nothing and nobody but themselves.