Sunday, March 06, 2005

Seen to be making the right moves


Syria vowed a complete and swift two-stage withdrawal of its troops from Lebanon but President Bashar al-Assad said Damascus would still play a role in the affairs of the tiny neighbouring nation it has dominated for 30 years.


Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom of Israel told Reuters that a gradual Syrian withdrawal would not be enough but showed a complete pullout from Lebanon was "more tangible than ever." He also held out the possibility that a full pullout of troops could lead to peace between Lebanon and Israel.

Being a Bush-intense disliker, this was my fave;

He also answered Mr. Bush's charge that Syria was supporting the insurgency in Iraq by emphasizing that Iraq's unity was critical to his country and by insisting that Syria had done everything it could to stop the flow of foreign fighters through its borders.

"If you cannot seal your borders with Mexico," he quipped, directing his question to the Bush administration, "how can you demand the same of us?"

Tough, but fair.

Kurt Nimmo;

Bush and Sharon want the Syrian military to leave Lebanon and thus usher in a return to the sectarian strife and civil war that worked so well in their favor in the not too distant past. Israel and the United States hope for a “Cedar revolution” government in Lebanon that will disenfranchise and demilitarize Hezbollah. However, this will not happen—although the Hezbollah political party may eventually be ejected from parliamentary politics—the struggle against Israeli aggression will continue and the resistance against American occupation of Iraq will increase and intensify until the United States suffers the fate the Israelis suffered in Lebanon in 2000—total defeat and evacuation with its tail tucked between its legs.

Harsh, and likely.