Ingredients for national war
Regarding Iraq, I’ve been banging the ‘civil war’ drum for quite some time now, mainly in off-topic, troll-like comments on threads attempting to decipher U.S. actions (or lack of) leading to whichever f*ck up has managed to find its way to the MSM.
Considering the U.S. Government's stated goals... I’ve never quite got my head around their apparent level of incompetence in executing this latest adventure (Poppa Bush, we need you! I joke), with the belief that nobody, or government, could be so stupendously hopeless.
I believe it has been the plan from the get-go. Send the region into social and political disarray. Starting with Desert Storm (and the betrayal), seasoned with the trade sanctions, more war (the bait and switch WMD shell game), allow looting (art and IED materiél) & lawlessness due to an MBA-like post-war security plan (bottom line driven), continue to liberally spread with tonnes of ordnance.
Voila! On your knees.
I'm slightly relieved to see I am not as hare-brained as I (and most other Bloggers/commenters) thought. As relieved as you can be when you realise your premonition of disaster, is likely correct.
Over at Global Guerillas, there’s a hint of this idea, certainly from a comment made by Billmon. Which then led me to his place (good to see he is back, posting), where he has a heap of pertinent links and a neat little
bumper sticker. (When i was in Hawaii, recently, the "Freedom isn't Free" stickers festooned on many vehicles spooked me. WTF? Do the drivers work in military procurement?)
Thanks to William Burrough’s Babboon for the link to GG.
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