Thursday, October 13, 2005

We all lubed up and ready fo' a reamin'.

Bob Carr joins Macquarie Bank;

Greens upper house MP Sylvia Hale said Mr Carr's appointment could be a conflict of interest, with Macquarie Bank having been an instrumental player in a host of major infrastructure projects in NSW.

"They are involved in the M7, the Cross City Tunnel and the expansion of Sydney airport, to name a few."

Apparently, according to Crikey's Stephen Mayne, Carr is being paid $500k pa for the gig. Stephen also makes this comment:

Will ICAC investigate the Carr situation? Somehow I don't think that ICAC commissioner Irene Moss, the wife of Macquarie Bank CEO Allan Moss who was appointed to the position by Carr in 1999, will have an appetite for this one. Besides, she's fundamentally conflicted.

Smacks two of 'em. Dodgy, incestuous mob aren't they?