Wednesday, January 12, 2005
The anti-anti-idiotarian ravings of an opinionated ignoramus - Tiny Tyrant
email: nationaliststruggle at hotmail dot com
Previous Posts
- Ingredients for national war
- Good clean fun
- Civil war, just an option
- Looks moderate, sounds moderate....
- Fingers burnt in Vietnam, they learnt nothin'
- Amongst the corruption in Aceh, they fight
- Maintain the compassion
- Shady Gonzales explains why torture is bad, harsh ...
- Cadaver on Habib torture allegations
- The Iraq meat grinder, still churns
Link it!
101 Uses For A John Howard
American Samizdat
Andrew Bartlett Diaries
Ayn Clouter's Blog
Bilious Young Fogey
Billmon's Whiskey Bar
Andrew Bolt
Busy, Busy, Busy
Club Troppo (formerly known as Troppo Armadillo)
Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches
Free Democracy
Girl in the Locker Room!
Immanuel Rant
inner revolution
Juan Cole
Kurt Nimmo - Another day in the Empire
Larvatus Prodeo
Madeline Kane
Mithras' Fables of the Reconstruction
News Hounds (team 'Outfoxed')
Peek: The Blog of Blogs
Real Climate
Red Rag
Scoobie Davis
Shakespeare's Sister
The Googlebomb Project
The Liberal Anti-War Avenger
The Oz Googlebomb Project
Virtual Pus
Weasel Words
William Burroughs' Baboon
World O'Crap
WTF is it NOW?!?
Big Top Circus
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler (Rottweilers are a dime a dozen, and most of them are bred and offered for sale by people who don't have the slightest idea of how to breed good-tempered dogs. Obedience instructors and behavioral consultants see LOTS of Rottweilers who are dangerously sharp, aggressive, or fearful.)TT's surf'n links
Real SurfLaugh, fool!
Hey, quit fogging up the mirror!
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