War Helps Recruit Terrorists, Hill ToldOn a day when the top half-dozen U.S. national security and intelligence officials went to Capitol Hill to talk about the continued determination of terrorists to strike the United States, their statements underscored the unintended consequences of the war in Iraq.Unintended. Wrong. Like the U.S. intervention in Afghanistan, this latest exercise in spending a shit load of taxpayer's money building, using and destroying the war machine (repeat chorus), the outcome these clowns are sooking about was every bit intentional.
Intentional in the fact that they knew exactly what would occur. They're geared for it, certainly won't suffer as a result and in the long term, it will assist in the continuance of the status quo. If you're on top, this outcome is just fine, thank you (It's hard work).
So we can say, "I told you so" to the dumb f*ck apolgist sycophants of the various governments responsible for creating this.. 'situation', as though that will do any good. Uh, they're dumb f*cks, apologists and sycophants. Remember? They won't learn.
But saying it to those who govern, those who rule, will have no effect whatsoever (Gee, we can vote every couple of years for either Evil A or, Evil B. Maybe we can protest and if you're lucky they won't charge you with terrorism. Tops.).
They knew. We knew. Nothing new.
What will be new, is the latest justification and rationale for this war profiteering put forward by our lords. Watch the stooges swallow it, then they'll commence regurgitating.
I'll pre-empt them: you f*ckin' stooges, suck!